

Immigration Issues We Help With

LASCO helps people with their legal problems in a variety of ways, such as legal information, advice, or representation. LASCO’s Immigration Team assists clients by:

  • Helping survivors of human trafficking apply for T-visas
  • Helping survivors of qualifying crimes apply for U-visas
  • Helping survivors of domestic violence file VAWA self-petitions for lawful permanent residence (also known as green cards) and remove conditions on their green cards
  • Helping lawful permanent residents renew or replace their green cards
  • Helping unaccompanied minors file Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
  • Helping citizens obtain certificates of citizenship
  • Helping refugees and asylees file for lawful permanent resident status and file family reunification petitions for qualifying family members
  • Helping lawful permanent residents file for naturalization (citizenship)
  • Organizing clinics to help qualified asylum seekers file asylum applications pro se (on their own), apply for work authorization applications, and file for Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
  • Providing "know your rights" trainings and community outreach 
  • Know Your Rights

    Know Your Rights: Tips and Resources for the Immigrant Community

    This brochure has general recommendations for the immigrant community, including tips for parents of minor children, those in immigration court proceedings, and more.

    Conozca sus derechos: consejos y recursos para la comunidad de inmigrantes

    Este folleto tiene recomendaciones generales para la comunidad inmigrante, incluidos consejos para padres de niños menores, aquellos en procedimientos judiciales de inmigración y más.

    Konnen Dwa Ou: Konsèy ak Resous pou Kominote Imigran an

    Bwochi sa a gen rekòmandasyon jeneral pou kominote imigran, tankou konsèy pou paran timoun minè yo, moun ki nan pwosedi tribinal imigrasyon yo, ak plis ankò.

  • What We Do

    Immigration Justice Team

    This general information flyer reviews the kind of matters we can help with and how to find help.

  • Immigration Court

    Asylum Court Quicklinks

    This brochure explains how to check the status of your immigration court case, how to change your address with Immigration, and how to apply for a work permit and includes helpful QR codes to find the information you need.

  • Public Benefits

    Receiving Public Benefits and the Public Charge Rule

    This information sheet explains how the public charge rule can affect immigrants filing for public benefits (including Ohio Works First (cash assistance) and Supplemental Security Income), a recent change in the public charge rule, and kinds of public benefits that are not affected by the public charge rule.

LASCO may be able to represent you if:

  • You are a victim of human trafficking or a qualifying U visa crime
  • You are a lawful permanent resident whose green card was lost or stolen
  • You are a lawful permanent resident who is seeking to become a US citizen
  • You are married to an abusive lawful permanent resident or US citizen
  • You are a refugee or asylee who wants to become a lawful permanent resident or be reunited with your qualifying family members abroad
  • You are a minor lawful permanent resident or became a lawful permanent resident as a minor and at least one of your parents is a US citizen parent or became a US citizen while you were under 18 and in their custody
  • You are an unaccompanied foreign born child
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